Chapter 3 - MATLAB and matNMR

3.1 MatNMR and the Workspace

One of the nice features of MATLAB is that it provides the user with a virtual workspace. It is basically memory that can be seen and manipulated from the MATLAB command line. (e.g. the MATLAB who or whos commands can be used to see what variables are currently in your workspace) Any variable that is defined will be put in this workspace and can at any time be manipulated again. Only variables that are used in functions have their own workspace. These cannot be accessed from the workspace and vice versa. Only when defining a variable to be global one can use this subsequently in a function.

MATLAB allows for two ways of programming: scripts (m-file) or functions. (for more information please read the MATLAB documentation) The first will work in the same workspace as can be seen from the workspace, whereas the second will usually only produce an output to the workspace. MatNMR has been programmed as a script and therefore ALL matNMR variables can be seen (AND manipulated!!) by the user. They are easy to recognize by the way as they ALWAYS start with a "Q"!

This has some consequences:
 -High flexibility because a user can invoke certain changes manually, thereby manipulating the output produced by matNMR.
 -Easy programming making user-additions to matNMR more easy.
 -A huge number of matNMR variables are seen by the user, making it more difficult to see the forest through the trees.
 -A risk of saving lots of unwanted matNMR variables to disk when trying to save something.

As the advantages strongly outweigh the disadvantages one just has to be careful when saving. Normally one can save all variables in the workspace by typing:
      save filename.mat
This however will include all the matNMR variables which will increase the file size considerably. Therefore for saving some variables one either has to quit matNMR and then save or specify the variables that need to be saved by typing:
      save filename.mat a b c d e f g
or by using the "Save Spectrum to Disk" menus in the 1D and 2D processing menus from the main window menubar (See chapter 5, "The main window").

As a last remark: needless to say that the user must avoid using private variables that start with a "Q" as this may seriously affect matNMR!

3.2 Input Expressions

Input in matNMR is usually done using either UI-controls from the main window and 2D/3D Viewer panel window OR using the standard input window:

input window

Whenever an edit button is used, i.e. a button in which one can write (for more information of different types of UI-controls please read the MATLAB documentation), the expression is evaluated afterwards using the MATLAB eval command. This means that any general function that produces a result that is correct for the given input question, can be given as input. For example in the input window displayed above one can specify "Name" as:
      a      (where a is a variable in the workspace)
      a*10+4./b      (where a and b are variables in the workspace)
      diff((1.01).^(0:511))      (type "help diff" for more information on diff.m)
etc ...

This again gives a lot of flexibility as the input format is free as long as the result is correct.

Note that the "full width" button allows expansion of the input window to the full width of the screen. This can be useful when the text written in the edit buttons is very long.

3.3 Important Variables

Currently, matNMR is written as a script (m-file) with a large pool of global variables that are used to keep track of all things. These global variables are visible in the workspace as QmatNMR and QmatNMRsettings. Both are structures that contain many subitems. All items can be accessed in the usual way, i.e. QmatNMR.Spec1D will give the vector corresponding to the current 1D spectrum.

For most users it is not really necessary to know which variables are used by matNMR to do what. There are however a few variables of which it is probably not bad to know what they do. Some of these will invariably show up eventually in some of the input windows and then it may be nice to know what they are there for. The following list shows a few important variables used when working with the main window:

Variable Name Usage in matNMR
Spec1DThe current 1D spectrum
Axis1DThe axis vector belonging to Spec1D
Size1DThe dimension size of Spec1D
SW1DThe spectral width of Spec1D in kHz
SF1DThe carrier frequency of Spec1D in MHz
Spec2DThe RR and RI parts of the current 2D spectrum (hypercomplex dataset)
Spec2DhcThe IR and II parts of the current 2D spectrum (hypercomplex dataset)
AxisTD2The axis vector belonging to TD2 of the current 2D spectrum
AxisTD1The axis vector belonging to TD1 of the current 2D spectrum
SizeTD2The dimension size of TD2 for the current 2D spectrum
SizeTD1The dimension size of TD1 for the current 2D spectrum
SWTD2The spectral width for TD2 of the current 2D spectrum in kHz
SWTD1The spectral width for TD1 of the current 2D spectrum in kHz
SFTD2The carrier frequency for TD2 of the current 2D spectrum in MHz
SFTD1The carrier frequency for TD1 of the current 2D spectrum in MHz
DimThe current dimension (0=1D, 1=TD2, 2=TD1)
FigThe figure handle for the main window
HistoryThe processing history belonging to the current 1D OR 2D spectrum
HistoryMacroThe processing macro belonging to the current 1D OR 2D spectrum
QFitResultsResults from the last peak fitting. These are not stored in the QmatNMR structure! For more information on the format of this variable see paragraph 5.3.1, General appearance.
QSSAFitResultsResults from the last MAS CSA fitting. These are not stored in the QmatNMR structure!
QCSAFitResultsResults from the last static CSA fitting. These are not stored in the QmatNMR structure!
QQuadFitResultsResults from the last quadrupolar-tensor fitting. These are not stored in the QmatNMR structure!
QDiffFitResultsResults from the last diffusion-curve fitting. These are not stored in the QmatNMR structure!
QT1FitResultsResults from the last relaxation-curve fitting. These are not stored in the QmatNMR structure!

As can be seen from the table there are different variables for 1D and 2D spectra. The distinction between working in 1D or in 2D mode is quite clear although it cannot be seen directly while working with matNMR. This is explained in more detail in paragraph 4.2, "1D and 2D mode".

A comparable list can be given for the 2D/3D Viewer window:

Variable Name Usage in matNMR
Spec2D3DThe last plotted spectrum
Axis2D3DTD2The axis vector belonging to TD2 of Spec2D3D
Axis2D3DTD1The axis vector belonging to TD1 of Spec2D3D
PeakListThe peak list belonging to Spec2D3D
History2D3DThe processing history belonging to Spec2D3D
Fig2D3DThe current 2D/3D Viewer window
AxisNR2D3DThe current axis number (i.e. nr of subplot)
AxisHandle2D3DThe axis handle belonging to AxisNR2D3D

3.4 Where is the NMR?

A big difference between working with matNMR and other NMR processing packages is that the user doesn't NEED to work with typical NMR parameters like spectral width, the carrier frequency, etc while processing. Naturally that comes from the fact that MATLAB doesn't know NMR, only matrices, vectors and numbers, and also matNMR doesn't care really about the NMR behind a FID, i.e. every axis plotted below a spectrum is given in points unless a different axis is defined.

Having said that, matNMR does show the typical NMR units if wanted and if the relevant parameters have been supplied correctly. If the spectral width and the spectral frequency for a certain dimension have been supplied (either during loading of a binary FID or manually, then the default axis, see also paragraph 2.2.1 General Options, will produce proper time and frequency axes (Hz or PPM). The reference for such frequency axes is always set to 0 and in the center of the spectrum. NOTE that by changing the spectral width and/or spectral frequency the default axis will change immediately.

There are two ways of properly referencing spectra: 1) defining and axis for a particular spectrum directly OR 2) by applying an external reference.
1. Axis vectors can be defined from the (Plot Manipulations - ruler X-axis) menubar in the main window. The typical axes in PPM, Hz or time can be defined but also axes in points or other less typical axes can easily be defined (for more information on how to change the axis vector see paragraph 5.2.5, "Plot manipulations"). As the spectrum is just a numerical matrix it can be manipulated very easily during processing. The axis vectors are just used for plotting, but on the other hand:
NOTE: whenever there is an input concerning coordinates they must usually be given in the unit of the axis vector! (e.g. for extracting parts of a spectrum, integrating, etc...)

2. An external reference may be loaded from external datasets, either as defined in a file on your spectrometer, or by using the reference as made in another variable in matNMR. To use the values set on your spectrometer it is possible to import those values by using the "Import external reference" in the "Plot Manipulations" - "Ruler X-Axis" - "External reference" menus. MatNMR will then try and extract the values from other datasets on disk. Alternatively, you may define a fixed axis for a certain spectrum in matNMR, as described above. Either by saving the external reference directly, or by storing the spectrum in the workspace those values may serve as an external reference. The "Apply external reference" item will ask for a variable containing an external reference, i.e. a spectrum OR a reference only, which may then be applied to the current spectrum.

3.5 matNMR format for spectra

MatNMR can save spectra either as matrices into the workspace (or onto disk directly) or in the matNMR format. This matNMR format makes a structure of the variable with the following fields:


(for more information on structures and other MATLAB data types please read the MATLAB documentation)

The spectrum will appear in the workspace as a struct array under the name VariableName. Saving in this format thus allows for easy access to the NMR parameters belonging to this spectrum. Note that for accessing the fields one needs to type "VariableName.FieldName" to obtain the proper result. As many functions will produce error messages when supplying them with the matNMR structure directly, it is important to realize of what type a certain variable is.

3.6 GUI and MATLAB

MatNMR is fully GUI (graphical user interface) programmed. Being able to do this is a nice feature of MATLAB but it is not 100% perfect. Especially when clicking the mouse very fast onto several objects can be the cause of many problems. The problem can often be traced back to the code that is run (bad programming). Often however such problems arise from the fact that the MATLAB command line parser is slower than the mouse pointer. When using functions like gcf, gca and gco (get current figure, get current axis and get current object respectively) problems can occur because the current object is not the object that the code intended to work on. Therefore a word of caution must be given: don't overdo it, don't try and be the fastest mouse-clicker on earth when working with MATLAB.

3.7 Memory usage

As matNMR does all processing in memory the memory usage can be quite considerable. Especially so because MATLAB will only take continuous blocks of memory when creating a new variable. This means that when it cannot find a block in the currently taken memory of the proper size it will ask for more memory. On a UNIX system this can easily lead to memory usage of 256Mb when processing a 2048x2048 sized spectrum. Under Windows this seems to be less of a problem though. Anyway, it is important to be aware of how much memory is in use and if necessary to stop MATLAB every once in a while, just to free the memory again.
Note, starting from version 2.7 matNMR has an optional undo function. Although very useful to have, this function may indeed induce massive memory usage if too many undo steps are allowed as the full matrices are stored for each step. More information on the undo function may be found in paragraph 5.2.11, "Goodies".


Unfortunately MATLAB in general is not a "what you see is what you get"-kind of program (WYSIWYG). Neither is matNMR therefore. For versions of matNMR older than 2.6 (march 2001) this calls for some improvisation if you really want to use matNMR to create nice plots. The axes, and therefore the spectra, are always plotted at their correct positions. The problem mostly lies with the fonts. For some reason they are not scaled in the same way as the axes. Especially the positioning of floating text, e.g. the super title in the 2D/3D Viewer, must be checked in the resulting plot. In principle it therefore advised to plot to a file on disk first before sending it to a printer.
For matNMR 2.6 (march 2001) and newer an option has been added to the printing menu: "enforce WYSIWYG". This tries to ensure WYSIWYG behaviour but it still isn't perfect. The routine works fine as long as the absolute size of the window is not bigger than the paper size. Upon rescaling the window and all its objects and fonts again there is a problem with the fonts in some cases. The best thing to do then is to resize the window manually and make sure that the printing routine does not need to rescale it. A warning message concerning this point will be given by the printing routine though.
For more information on how to output plots see chapter 7, "Producing output".

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